Script for stage and mise-en-scène of an interactive-participative audiovisual enactment | radio play on contemporary issues of the artistic and the political sovereign with references to the DADA movement
text performance susanne gschwendtner / tina muliar / otmar wagner
interactive real.time video stage design peter koger / alexandra reill + audience / guests
video programming | server data management peter koger
video sampling | editing alexandra reill
real.time sound composition eargazm
editing | sound mix radio play alexandra reill
photo | video documentation sascha osaka / bernadette stummer
idea | concept | script | dramaturgy | mise-en-scène alexandra reill
production kanonmedia in cooperation with mediaOpera | vienna 2012
Oscillating between the conscious creation of fiction and unconscious narration, improvised performance and collective artistic action; reflecting the role of the artist as so-called professional and that as a political sovereign; and exploring aesthetic deepening and social action, the participative enactment Tribute to Hans Richter staged by the concept and media artist Alexandra Reill autonomously designs itself – in a common creative process of audience and performers.
The real.time enactment Tribute to Hans Richter is an appreciation of the aesthetic work and the political attitude of the Dadaist and early experimental filmmaker Hans Richter. In a common experience with the audience, it reviews the Dadaist approaches developed in the beginnings of film history in terms of their contemporary relevance for Expanded Cinema in the second decade of the 21st Century.
With a special focus on Dreams That Money Can Buy, Tribute to Hans Richter starts from a re-interpretation of the experimental films of Hans Richter, who – at the Film School of the College of the City of New York – taught people like Shirley Clarke, Maya Deren and Jonas Mekas who today belong to the most important representatives of New American Cinema ultimately leading to the Fluxus movement, to experiment with Dada – that moment Walter Benjamin described as the shock-like principle of poetry capable of inducing flash-like insight of the irredeemably lost one (1). (2)
(1) Cp. Walter Benjamin: Zentralpark. In: Id., Illuminationen, Frankfurt / Main 1974, p. 245
(2) Rudolf Frieling: Real/Medial. Hybride Prozesse zwischen Kunst und Leben. In: Medien Kunst Netz,, date of publication unknown, access: 2012/05/15
our thxs go to
— department of culture of the city of vienna
— renner institut
— mediaopera
— mac shark
— sae institute
TRIBUTE TO HANS RICHTER enactments | presentations at
— serde latvia / aiz / lv / 13
— upgrade!zagreb / hr/ 13
— mediaOpera – rinderhalle / vie / a / 12
— tina muliar online / vie / a / 15
— susanne gschwendtner online / vie / a / 13
— der falter / vie / a / 12
— puls 4 / vie / a / 12
— wien info / vie / a / 12
— art visuals & poetry / vie / a / 12
— / vie / a / 12
— artmagazine / vie / a 12
— newsletter austria / vie / a / 12
— esel / vie / a / 12
— osaka’s log / vie / a / 12
— designer in action / de / 12
— digicult / i / 12
— furtherfield / lon / uk / 12
— wherevent / int / 12
— friendfeed / int / 12
— artmagazine / vie / a 12
— / int / 12
— 391 / int / 12
[…] in: hommage to hans richter / vie / a […]
[…] audiovisual enactment on contemporary issues of the artistic and the political sovereign Tribute to Hans Richter staged in Rinderhalle Neu Marx in […]