Searching for the Everywhen on the Basis of the Findings of the Artistic Research Project skin flats

In a transdisciplinary approach of Artistic Research, the paper examines questions of identity on the basis of the project skin flats–an experiental image-video loop installation that aims at evoking an immersive state of meditative perception in the recipient. In particular, its creation processes are examined, in the light of positions from Cognitive Sciences and with a view to its contemporary movements in the context of Embodiment.

alexandra reill, 2024
publishing kanonmedia / vie / a / 25

The Everywhen has a beginning that never ends. It is a space-time as much as a continuum of past, present and future falling together into one–this is one of the assumptions in the Deep Time theory finding its way more and more into scientific fields of research today.

Is Deep Time “living in the moment”–“life in life”, containing past information as well as future imaginations and inscribing itself into any physicality, into matter, thus writing history, presence and future at the same time? This would mean that any time, any space, any reality is accessible at any time, from any space, from any reality.

In a transdisciplinary approach of Artistic Research, the research paper examines these questions on the basis of the project skin flats–an experiental image-video loop installation that aims at evoking an immersive state of meditative perception in the recipient. In particular, its creation processes are examined, in the light of positions from Cognitive Sciences and with a view to its contemporary movements in the context of Embodiment.