Furtherfield [Ed.]: Rosalind – online lexicon project of newly created and re-defined terms in the light of artistic and technological research. Contributions
contributions of terms and their [re-] definitions alexandra reill 2004
production furtherfield | london 2004
The term DIWO – Do It With Others was first defined in 2006 on Rosalind – Upstart New Media Art Lexicon[…]. It extended the DIY Do-It-Yourself ethos of early net art, punk & Situationism, towards a more collaborative approach, using the Internet as an experimental artistic medium and distribution system to foment grass-roots creativity. Even before it was defined it underpinned everything Furtherfield has ever done.
text: nn, furtherfield [ed.], 2004
Rosalind, is an upstart new media art lexicon, born in 2004, following a sheltered 9 month gestation. Feed Rosalind with your own words and definitions to express and declare what you are, what you do and the worlds you create, on your own terms. Influence and mutate her, help her to maturity.
Your words may :
– describe something very particular to your life/experience/work.
– be invented in a moment of desperation.
– arise in conversation with others.
– already be in circulation.
text: bruce sterling: web semantics: furtherfield rosalind new media art lexicon, in: wired, https://www.wired.com/2011/04/web-semantics-furtherfield-rosalind-new-media-art-lexicon/, 14/07/2011, access: 19/07/2020
Rosalind featured in / by
— Christopher Cayari: Popular practices for online musicking and performance: Developing creative dispositions for music education and the Internet, in: Journal of Popular Music Education, 2020 / in: ACADEMIA, https://www.academia.edu/43119968/Cayari_2020_-Popular_practices_for_online_musicking_and_performance_Developing_creative_dispositions_for_music_education_and_the_Internet_Cover_pre-formatted_text, date of publication unknown, access: 19/07/2020
— Charlotte Frost: Art Criticism Online: A History, Gylphi Limited, 2019
— in: Lanfranco Aceti: A MESSAY ON SOUNDING A COLLECTION / IAN STONEHOUSE, LISA BUSBY, in: Leonardo Electronic Almanac, https://www.leoalmanac.org/a-messay-on-sounding-a-collection-lisa-busby-ian-stonehouse/, 02/02/2019, access: 19/07/2020
— Adriana Gomes de Oliveira / Carmem Lúcia Altomar Mattos: Wearing Affections: interface-corpo-espaço, in: Universidade de Brasil [Ed.]: #15.ART. International Meeting of Art and Technology, Brasil 2016, https://files.cercomp.ufg.br/weby/up/779/o/adriana_e_carmem.pdf, access: 19/07/2020
— Helmi Hardian & Debrina Tedja: DIY Culture, in: in SlideShare, https://de.slideshare.net/HelmiHardian/diy-culture-helmi-hardian-debrina-tedja, https://de.slideshare.net/HelmiHardian/diy-culture-helmi-hardian-debrina-tedja, 04/04/2014, access: 19/07/2020
— Marc Garrett: DIWO (Do-It-With-Others): Artistic Co-Creation as a Decentralized Method of Peer Empowerment in Today’s Multitude., in: Marc Garrett. Exploring Class in Postdigital Cultures, https://marcgarrett.org/2014/02/12/diwo-do-it-with-others-artistic-co-creation-as-a-decentralized-method-of-peer-empowerment-in-todays-multitude/, 12/02/2014, access: 19/07/2020
— Marc Garrett, Ruth Catlow – Furtherfield: Three p2p-inspired collaborative art projects by Furtherfield.org, in: P2P Foundation, https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/three-p2p-inspired-collaborative-art-projects-by-furtherfield-org/2013/03/03, 03/03/2013, access: 19/07/2020
— Donna Cox / Carol LaFayette / Thanassis Rikakis et al.: SEAD: Network for Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Design. Conference Paper, ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Volume: 79, in: ResearchGate, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233853232_SEAD_Network_for_Sciences_Engineering_Arts_and_Design, access: 19/07/2020
— Ruth Catlow & Marc Garrett: DIWO: DO IT WITH OTHERS – NO ECOLOGY WITHOUT SOCIAL ECOLOGY, in: S. Biggs [Ed.]: Remediating the Social. ELMCIP, University of Bergen 2012, in: Edinburgh Research Explorer. The University of Edinburgh; elmcip, https://elmcip.net/sites/default/files/media/critical_writing/attachments/catlow_diwo.pdf, date of publication unknown, access: 19/07/2020
— Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett, Furtherfield: Do It With Others (DIWO): Participatory Media in the Furtherfield Neighbourhood, 2007, in: Tactical Media Files / Methods Network, https://methodsnetwork.ac.uk/redist/pdf/act18_catlow.pdf, date of publication unknown, access: 19/07/2020
— Ruth Catlow: DIWO – Do It With Others. Extract from the Furtherfield DIWO resource, http://ruthcatlow.net/?works=160, date of publication unknown, access: 19/07/2020
— wikivisually / int / status 20
— alchetron / int / 18
— click magazine / dublin / irl / 14
— actipedia / int / 14
— wired magazine / nyc / us / 11
— monoskop / int / 11
— narkive / int / 11
— l’e-m / hu / 08
— museums and the web 2005 / toronto / can / 05
— jiscmail / bristol / uk / 04
— creative catalyst / bristol / uk / 04