Stage Event awarding Innovationspreis der freien Kulturszene Wiens 2005

Stage event awarding the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects 2005, initiated by IG Kultur Wien

award winner in the category Projects in Vienna
fluc / verein künstlergruppe dynamo: fluc_2 + fluc_wanne
award winner in the category International Exchange
im_flieger: terrains fertiles 05

category Projects in Vienna – further recommendations of the advisory board
theaterkombinat: palais donaustadt – ein temporärer kunstraum in der donau-city
phonotaktik: picknick am wegesrand im palais donaustadt
michael kargl: calls

monochrom: nix kaufen, viel sparen?

category International Exchange – further recommendation of the advisory board
matsune & subal production: store

advisory board
fahim amir, art theorist, lecturer at the academy of fine arts vienna, political scientist
katrin feßler,, cultural editor; journalist
hans bernhard, artist; ubermorgen, etoy
angela eder, dramaturge, theater scientist; direction artminutes / wolke 7

curating | coordination of artists’ contributions alexandra reill
co-programming | co-moderation thomas jelinek / alexandra reill
real-time soundtracking performance arthur denisson
real-time video docu camera gerhard leixl

coordination | public relations irmgard almer
production interessengemeinschaft kultur wien | vienna 2005

With the call for the Innovationspreis, Interessengemeinschaft Kultur Wien would like to honor projects that take up current topics with contemporary means and make the developmental and impulsive power of the independent cultural scene in Vienna and in the area of its international networking visible. The Innovationspreis sees itself as an award for projects that are […] forward-looking in the broadest sense, that is, have the ability to engage in the context of international socio-political change processes. (*)

Awarding stage event at

— top kino / vie / a / 05

Text: NN / IG Kultur Wien: Call for participation [excerpt], 2005. Translation: Alexandra Reill, 2020