It is an art to make art

Concept for a discursive on- and offline-installment as part of the group exhibition DISPLAY 2003

The Hidden War: Re-imagining the Center

Exhibition on the theme of mediated and commodified violence showing experimental media pieces created by students of digital art of the University of the Philippines / College of Fine Arts

SAVE / SAFE. Participative Spatial Setting

On the occasion of the publication of the database application SAVE / SAFE and the publication of the same title, the interior and part of the facade of futuregarden formed the framework for a participatory installation, parts of which remained in place for the duration of the exhibition of the same title.

Preis der freien Szene Wiens

Co-development of the criteria for the prize award financed by the City of Vienna for art and culture projects autonomously produced in Vienna and in international exchange, initiated by IG Kultur Wien


Text on developments in the [artistic] field of new media production, written in 2002 for the magazine the muse apprentice guild


Text on new job profiles arising in the media field, produced in 2002 for the magazine the muse apprentice guild


Stop trick series of looping movies scripted in Flash on conditioned coding of relationships

TV series

Stop trick series of looping flash movies inspired by the relations between the influence of TV / [new] media as typical phenomenae of current times and infinity seen as the essence of every tiny little moment in life …