Co-development of a voting model for the participatory awarding of the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects, initiated by IG Kultur Wien

model development working group innovationspreis:
thomas jelinek / alexandra reill / stephan teichgräber and other igkw board members
production interessengemeinschaft kultur wien | vienna 2005
With the call for the Innovationspreis, Interessengemeinschaft Kultur Wien would like to honor projects that take up current topics with contemporary means and make the developmental and impulsive power of the independent cultural scene in Vienna and in the area of its international networking visible. The Innovationspreis sees itself as an award for projects that are […] forward-looking in the broadest sense, that is, have the ability to engage in the context of international socio-political change processes.
The award-winning projects are chosen by the members of IG Kultur Wien, the submitting persons / organizations and an advisory board.
The selection of the laureate projects takes place after a [public] project presentation […] by voting of all authorized decision-makers (see below).
3, 2 and 1 point(s) can be awarded per category. The decision for the award-winning projects is made [ten days later] on the day before the event awarding the winners […], which is also the deadline for voting. […]
All members of IG Kultur Wien, the submitters and the advisory board are entitled to vote. Each member has one vote.
In addition to their function of accompanying the presentation events, each member of the advisory board votes like a member, thus having the right to award 6 points per category according to the election modalities. The same applies to the submitters.
In the event of a tie, the advisory board also takes on an arbitration function; this means that in the event of a tie, it is the decisive factor in determining the award winner project.
Following the topic of the call Off road – Navigating the future / Off road – Navigations of the future and on the meta level of the price initiative, IG Kultur Wien itself wants to test new ways of project reflection and awarding. [… The] working group Innovationspreis developed a model that makes the intrinsic reflection process increasingly public: the function of the advisory board provides support in the presentation. The members of the “Advisory Board Innovationspreis with extended agendas” have the same voting rights as the members of the interest group and the persons / organizations submitting their projects. (*)
advisory board
fahim amir, art theorist, lecturer at the academy of fine arts vienna, political scientist
katrin feßler,, cultural editor; journalist
hans bernhard, artist; ubermorgen, etoy
angela eder, dramaturge, theater scientist; direction artminutes / wolke 7
Project presentations | awarding staged at
— schikaneder kino / vie / a / 05
Text: NN / IG Kultur Wien: Call for participation [excerpts], 2005. Translation: Alexandra Reill, 2020