CHANGES – on the edge

Experimental short | video atmosphere and [real time] performance for a dance performance | video installation

dance performers aiko/ kazuko kurosaki + students
monika bauer / berta gielge / eva lepold / magdalena meindl / tiina sööt / paul szechenyi / franz sramek [walkingman aka frantschesko] / bernhard weiss / ting ting windspiel [wang]

camera work t. j. / alexandra reill
development of imagery |image editing alexandra reill
sound concept aiko/ kazuko kurosaki
sound editing | mix alexandra reill 

dance performance: idea | concept | choreography aiko/ kazuko kurosaki
video atmosphere: concept aiko/ kazuko kurosaki / alexandra reill
video installation: alexandra reill

production kanonmedia in cooperation with LABfactory | vienna 2011

The experiental video atmosphere and installation created by Alexandra Reill in cooperation with AIKO speaks an abstract language intensifying that atmosphere between disorientation and a search for orientation AIKO perceives as symptomatic of contemporary human states of condition.

AIKO created the dance performance CHANGES – on the edge developed together with her students attending the LABfactory and her University of Applied Arts workshops in Vienna for The finalLab, where artists who had been active in the LABfactory during the seven years of its existence – as a public living room and open theater experiment in form of a permanent communicative installation and actional space of non-representation – showed artistic contributions. With contributions by

— aiko/ kazuko kurosaki
— eargazm
— vanja fuchs
— harald jokesch
— Jux – jorge sánchez-chiong
— david kleinl
— mu – christian musser
— andrea peller
— porcelain hip
— alexandra reill
— lisa truttmann
— lena wicke-aengenheyster
— brigitte wilfing
— katherina zakravsky
et al.

kanonmedia / alexandra reill were invited to create the video atmosphere and installation for CHANGES – on the edge.

CHANGES – on the edge staged at

— labfactory / vie / a / 11

CHANGES – on the edge featured by

— furtherfield / lon / uk / 11
— artsuche / d / 11
— sanart / int / 11
— rhizome / nyc / us / 11
— new media arts at the institute of american indian arts / santa fe / us / 11
— netbehaviour / lon / uk / 11
— ajax art / f / 11
— esel kulturkalender / vie / a / 11