Print compilation of daily short connotations reflecting the contemporary relevance of Walter Benjamin
My Center of the World
Co-publishing of the brochure on the EU-project building international artists’ networks
Kilian Franer, Ulli Fuchs [Hg.], Erinnern für die Zukunft. Text contribution
Text contribution: Alexandra Reill, Heinz Moldau, Nelkengasse, 2009
Kunst im Trend? Artists’ Voices. Study
Evaluation of the results of the international survey Art Following the Trend? Artists’ Voices. on self-understanding and -definitions of artists | cultural workers looking at individual roles and functions in society as well as on individual earning capacities; and a research on contemporary developments of Creative Industries culture policies on EC- and national levels
Artists’ Talks
Publication featuring interviews with artists on their individual understanding of their roles and positions and their approaches to art production in contemporary societies in form of a text collage
SAVE / SAFE. Publication
Dramaturgical case study on post-human tendencies and borderlining as a contemporary phenomenon …