Volkshilfe Österreich [Ed.]: 10 Jahre Thara, 2015. Text contribution
Julia Starsky: Catalogue, 2015.
Foreword / texts / text contributions | Co-Editing / Wordings
Concept for a media lab for young people in Seestadt, combined with a program of fact-based knowledge transfer and the possibility of practical work in the context of media production and the bonus option of certified internship
bilcom: Development of further and training programme
For the educational institute bilcom, a trainer course of studies and a further training programme of courses based on modules specifically designed for private and business customers, respectively, was developed; including a time schedule for 2014 / 2015 and the activation of a pool of expert trainers from the respective field of profession.
In an interactive media setting the bar camp and game CLOUDS IN THE SHARK POOL reflects the role of the artist as a medium between the poles of cooperation and competition – an antagonism forming one of the main pillars of onholding scientific discussion. Where does the artist stand today?
Innovationspreis 2012
Catalogue accompanying Innovationspreis .12 initiated by IG Kultur Wien and featuring the work of independent art and cultural initiatives in Vienna. Text contributions
Blessed Simonida from the Brilliant Grounds. Script for stage
Script [for an audiovisual real-time] enactment on contemporary issues of the political sovereign following Brecht’s Saint Joan of the Stockyards
Tribute to Hans Richter. Enactment / Radio Play
Script for stage and mise-en-scène of an interactive-participative audiovisual enactment | radio play on contemporary issues of the artistic and the political sovereign