
alexandra reill: wien mein wien, 2008. press material

Home Sweet Home. Documentary film and text EN

Coming from a Vienna mainstream society of active committers of crime and NS-opportunists and being a child of the first post-war generation, Alexandra Reill tries to reflect her identity – Home Sweet Home is the [auto]biographic tracking of fascist history inherited by Vienna so-called mainstream society after World War II. Documentary film and text of the same title

Kunst im Trend? Artists’ Voices. Study

Evaluation of the results of the international survey Art Following the Trend? Artists’ Voices. on self-understanding and -definitions of artists | cultural workers looking at individual roles and functions in society as well as on individual earning capacities; and a research on contemporary developments of Creative Industries culture policies on EC- and national levels

attempt of a disposition – netznetz 2004-2006

attempt of a disposition – netznetz 2004-2006 is an online installation based on a documentative disposition of email correspondence in chronological order and structured by subthemes of a long and complicated process to develop a public-private funding system to distribute means to media artists and cultural workers active in the media field.

Die Frage nach der Definition Virtuellen Öffentlichen Raums EN

Birgt die Frage nach der Definition von Öffentlichem Raum bereits die Notwendigkeit, in einer grundlegenden Unterteilung des Begriffs in solche Themenfelder wie „kommunale Nutzung“, „Nutzung durch eine Öffentlichkeit“, „Verfügbarkeit von Flächen, die von der öffentlichen Hand verwaltet oder besessen werden“ auf verschiedene Kontexte der Bedeutung von Öffentlichkeit einzugehen, so stellt sich der Versuch der Definition des Phänomens des Virtuellen Öffentlichen Raums um nichts leichter dar.


Furtherfield [Ed.]: Rosalind – online lexicon project of newly created and re-defined terms in the light of artistic and technological research. Contributions


Essay on the influence of IT and its technocratical context on human self-perception, written in 2003 for the magazine the muse apprentice guild

SAVE / SAFE. Publication

Dramaturgical case study on post-human tendencies and borderlining as a contemporary phenomenon …

Die Geschichte von den gefangenen Händlerinnen

Bootleg of a Buddhist short story about captivity and the continent of living freedom