In a transdisciplinary approach of Artistic Research, the paper examines questions of identity on the basis of the project skin flats–an experiental image-video loop installation that aims at evoking an immersive state of meditative perception in the recipient. In particular, its creation processes are examined, in the light of positions from Cognitive Sciences and with a view to its contemporary movements in the context of Embodiment.
Searching for the Everywhen on the Basis of the Findings of the Artistic Research Project skin flats
Roma Artist CEIJA STOJKA. What Should I Be Afraid of?
The first English-language monograph on [… the writer and artist …,] with unpublished texts and diary entries by Ceija Stojka.(**) | Editing of the original German version of the essay by Simona Anozie / Co-translation from German to English of the text and the poems by Ceija Stojka published in the volume.
Der rote Faden
Re-narration of the film DREAMS THAT MONEY CAN BUY by Hans Richter with the participation of Alexander Calder, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Fernand Léger, Darius Milhaud, Man Ray et al. in six acts
The archive of a city that doesn’t exist. Why? Because Crina is a girl’s name.
Online publishing of the project idea and text / image collage, developed by Thomas Perle, Ana Popescu and Alexandra Reill on the occasion of the call for proposals for the Vienna Biennale 2015. Mapping Bucharest. ART, MEMORY, AND REVOLUTION 1916-2016
Circles. Blog
Research blog in form of a tag compilation of criteria in the context of reflections of contemporary relevances of artistic production in urban societies showing capitalist conditioning
take this playground
Eva Bischof [Ed.]: take this playground. 4yourEye, Vienna 2017. Text contributions
Speech on Ceija Stojka and commemoration at Ceija-Stojka-Platz
text development | speech simona anozie 2015
editing alexandra reill 2015
programme production romano centro | vienna 2015