Arthouse / audiovisual real-time enactment / spatial setting / [performative] readings from the script on contemporary issues of the political sovereign following Brecht’s Saint Joan of the Stockyards. Arthouse 2025.
In an interactive media setting the bar camp and game CLOUDS IN THE SHARK POOL reflects the role of the artist as a medium between the poles of cooperation and competition – an antagonism forming one of the main pillars of onholding scientific discussion. Where does the artist stand today?
Tribute to Hans Richter. Enactment / Radio Play
Script for stage and mise-en-scène of an interactive-participative audiovisual enactment | radio play on contemporary issues of the artistic and the political sovereign
#WB: quoting Walter Benjamin: Paris, die Hauptstadt des XIX. Jahrhunderts
Collective analog-digital performance on Walter Benjamin’s life and oeuvre reflecting contemporary relevances of his worlds of thought
Stage Event awarding Innovationspreis der freien Kulturszene Wiens 2005
Stage event awarding the prize for contemporary autonomous art and culture projects 2005, initiated by IG Kultur Wien
MAK KICK OFF: EUROPA JETZT – Junge europäische Kunstszene im MAK
Artistic welcoming event and exhibition on the occasion of ten countries joining the European Union