Arthouse / audiovisual real-time enactment / spatial setting / [performative] readings from the script on contemporary issues of the political sovereign following Brecht’s Saint Joan of the Stockyards. Arthouse 2025.
niemand gewinnt die wahl
Alexandra Reill: Participation in the polymedial Dada performance with live online stream by starsky in the framework of niemand* – on the occasion of the election to the National Council in an Austria 2024
Die Geschichte von der Königin
Associative text / image collage and performance on the development of a personal self-image and its changes over time
A discursive / performative think tank series – the approach of an open artists’ collective to transpose a set of individual recording methods of cognitive processes into artistic realms
Circles. The Labs
A discursive-performative panel series reflecting in six weekly open labs the meta-questions What is contemporary art aiming for? What do contemporary artists strive for? Which relevances of artistic work prevail in societies today?
Das zerknüllte Papier dreht sich
A performance on recurring discussions of artists with their own work, developed and staged in public space as part of Salon Volkertmarkt
Das Kuchenmodell
A performance staged in the framework of the think tank series Salon Volkertmarkt, in allusion to the tabled fact that the vast majority of art events beyond those located in commercial art production and highbrow are lacking in audience …
Salon Volkertmarkt
A discursive-performative series of think tanks based on artistic research and the method of cut-up …