Participative exhibition processing post card-like objects comparing sociopolitical arguments around the theme of work used under the NS-regime and in Vienna today

idea | concept | research | graphic design alexandra reill
production kanonmedia | vienna 2008

For four weeks, people serving their clients in the shops of the streets Kirchengasse and Siebensterngasse [1070 Vienna] spread the post cards to their clients whenever they bought something in the shop and wanted to pay. They received a gift – a critical voice received as a free goodie in the daily life of commerce giving people the free choice to reflect and take it on.

The participative exhibition was accompanied by the exhibition of the six card sujets in form of prints on paper [594 x 841 mm] framed in wood in the style of the 40ies in the restaurant Shultz connecting the two streets on Siebensternplatz, 1070 Vienna.

WOULD WE SAY NO ? I awards

WOULD WE SAY NO ? I was awarded Preis der Wiener Einkaufsstraßen / Category: Most innovative idea: No. 3 / 2009

WOULD WE SAY NO ? I supported by

— commission of culture 1070 vienna
— ig kaufleute kirchengasse und siebensterngasse
— amerlinghaus

Furthermore, our thxs go to

— gallery plank
— shultz

WOULD WE SAY NO ? I installed at

— shops / bars / restaurants in kirchengasse and siebensterngasse: griechisches spezialitätenrestaurant alexis . at first sight . berfin . blumen sonja scheidl . colli exclusive shirts . hotel pension continental . continis – alt wiener buch- und grafik-kabinett . disaster clothing . interni toscani . karasan . kindertruhe . herr und frau klein . kosmos theater .lobo y luna. optik maurer – seeme giovanni . cafe mentone . edelhausrat niessner . galerie plank . pollsiri . rattle snake . berufskleidung schnepf . 7*stern kulturzentrum . shultz . sontech . stempel haslinger schilder . steppenwolf . stil-konditorei . su-rée schmuckdesign . testa rossa / vie / a / 08
— shultz / vie / a / 08

WOULD WE SAY NO ? I featured by

— israelitische kultusgemeinde / vie / a / 08
— apa terminservice / vie / a / 08
— orf volksgruppenredaktion / vie / a / 08
— kurier / vie / a / 08
— jugend in wien – wienXtra / vie / a / 08
— kalender.esel / vie / a / 08
— shultz / vie / a / 08
— b2b network / vie / a / 08
— dbn / lower austria / a / 08
— südwind / vie / a / 08
— nochrichten / vie / a / 08
— one world / vie / a / 08
— baobab / vie / a / 08
— klimabündnis / vie / a / 08
— global education / vie / a / 08