Research blog in form of a tag compilation of criteria in the context of reflections of contemporary relevances of artistic production in urban societies showing capitalist conditioning
concept | research | editing alexandra reill
contributions | incentives | quotations natalie ananda assmann / bernhard dechant / noah holtwiesche / olivia kaiser / peter koger / tina leisch / mimie maggale / peter moosgaard / tina muliar / gerald nestler / margit nobis / alexandra reill / michaela schwentner / christian stefaner-schmid / kathrin stumreich / peter szely / thomas wagensommerer / otmar wagner / brigitte wilfing et al.
publishing kanonmedia | vienna / online int | 2015-2019
As approaches to the theme, the first blog research entries emerged in 2015 and 2016 within the framework of the research accompanying the performative panels and think tanks Salon Volkertmarkt (2015), Circles (2015) and during Working on the Mirror (2016). Thematic categories try to address the complex issues of contemporary relevances of art production and the roles of so-called contemporary artists active in capitalist, urban societies.
Until 2019 the blog editing was continued as an ongoing artistic research process in the form of an open tag compilation.