Blessed Simonida from the Brilliant Grounds

Arthouse / audiovisual real-time enactment / spatial setting / [performative] readings from the script on contemporary issues of the political sovereign following Brecht’s Saint Joan of the Stockyards. Arthouse 2025.

Searching for the Everywhen on the Basis of the Findings of the Artistic Research Project skin flats

In a transdisciplinary approach of Artistic Research, the paper examines questions of identity on the basis of the project skin flats–an experiental image-video loop installation that aims at evoking an immersive state of meditative perception in the recipient. In particular, its creation processes are examined, in the light of positions from Cognitive Sciences and with a view to its contemporary movements in the context of Embodiment.

skin flats

skin flats part I, II, and III are screened in the framework of the festival ON SCREEN 2024.

The Bath Series

Documentation of an attempt of infrastructural rehabilitation, organized in a claim to self-optimization …


[Moving] image sequence of thousands of self-portraits and their image edits, arranged chronologically according to the time of digital recording between the quarters 03/2019 and 04/2022. In progress

Photographic notes QU03_2019-QU04_2022

[Moving] images sequence of thousands of photographic notes – everyday shots of individually experienced moments; arranged in chronological order, according to the time of digital recording between the quarters 03/2019 and 04/2022. In progress

niemand gewinnt die wahl

Alexandra Reill: Participation in the polymedial Dada performance with live online stream by starsky in the framework of niemand* – on the occasion of the election to the National Council in an Austria 2024

Roma Artist CEIJA STOJKA. What Should I Be Afraid of?

The first English-language monograph on [… the writer and artist …,] with unpublished texts and diary entries by Ceija Stojka.(**) | Editing of the original German version of the essay by Simona Anozie / Co-translation from German to English of the text and the poems by Ceija Stojka published in the volume.